Journal Publications
Opabola, E.A, Liel, A, and Elwood, K.J (2024) "Impact of failure mode uncertainty on seismic fragility and collapse risk of buildings" Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics (in press)
Opabola, E.A, and Elwood, K.J (2024) “Seismic Design of Concrete Structures for Damage Control” Earthquake Spectra
Galasso C., Opabola E.A, (2024) "The 2023 KahramanmaraÅŸ Earthquake Sequence: A Window of Opportunity for Building a More Resilient, Sustainable, and Equitable Society" Nature Communications Engineering
Handa Y, Opabola E.A, and Galasso C., (2024) “A Bayesian approach for estimating the post-earthquake recovery trajectories of electric power systems in Japan” Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure
Opabola E.A, and Galasso C., (2024) “Informing disaster-risk management policies for education infrastructure using scenario-based recovery analyses” Nature Communications
Opabola E.A, and Galasso, C. (2024) “A probabilistic framework for post-disaster recovery modelling of buildings and utility using stochastic network analysis” Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Francis, T.C, Opabola, E.A, Sullivan, T.J, Elwood, K.J (2023) “Seismic fragility of reinforced concrete buildings with hollow-core flooring systems”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering
Opabola E.A, Abdullah S., Elwood, K.J., Wallace, J (2023) “Limit states for post-earthquake assessment and recovery analysis of ductile concrete buildings” Earthquake Spectra
Opabola, E.A and Elwood, K. J. (2023) “Seismic response of ductile beams with single-crack plastic hinge behaviour. Journal of Structural Engineering 149(4), 04023020.
Opabola, E.A and Elwood, K. J. (2023) “Modelling the Flexure-axial-shear interaction of ductile beams with single-crack plastic hinge behaviour.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
Imad, A, Royo M, Opabola, E.A., et al. (2023) “Post-disaster assessment of WASH infrastructure in schools in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia using transect walks and principal interviews” Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development
Opabola, E.A and Mangalathu, S. (2022) “Seismic fragility assessment of pre-1970s box girder and seat abutment bridges” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
Opabola E.A, Galasso C., Tiziana R et al. (2023) “Investing in disaster preparedness and effective recovery in education systems” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Opabola, E.A. (2022) “Residual seismic capacity of concrete beam-column components with corroded reinforcement”. Journal of Construction Building and Materials
Opabola, E.A., and Galasso, C (2022) “Multicriteria decision making for selecting an optimal visual survey technique for large building portfolios” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Opabola E.A, Galasso, C., Rossetto, T., Nurdin, S., Idris, Y., Aljawhari, K., Rusydy, I (2022) “A mixed-mode data collection approach for building inventory development: application to school buildings in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia” Earthquake Spectra
Opabola, E.A (2022) “Development and splice length model for straight plain bars in tension” (ACI Structural Journal
Opabola, E.A and Elwood, K. J. (2021) “Seismic assessment of RC columns with short splices” Earthquake Spectra
Opabola, E.A, Elwood, K.J and Liel A. (2021) “Evaluation of seismic performance of as-built and retrofitted buildings” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
Opabola, E.A and Elwood, K. J (2021) Collapse Performance of Nominally Identical Nonductile Circular Columns Susceptible to Failure-Mode Variability. Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(6), p.04021069.
Opabola, E.A and Elwood, K. J (2020). “Incorporating failure mode uncertainty into probabilistic assessment of RC components.” Structural safety Vol. 87. 1-11.
Opabola, E.A., Elwood, K.J., and Pujol, S (2020). “Influence of biaxial loading on seismic response of reinforced concrete columns.” ACI Structural Journal Vol. 117, No 6 211-224.
Opabola, E.A., Elwood, K.J., (2020). “Simplified approaches for estimating the yield rotation of reinforced concrete beam-column components.” ACI Structural Journal Vol. 117, No 4 279-292.
Puranam, A., Filippova O., Pastor-Paz J., Stephens M., Elwood K.J., Ismail N., Noy I., Opabola E.A., (2019) “A detailed inventory of medium to high-rise buildings in Wellington’s Central Business District.” Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 52(4), 172-192.
Motter, C. J., Opabola, E. A., Elwood, K. J., and Henry, R. S. (2019). “Seismic Behavior of Nominally Identical Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblies.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(12).
Opabola, E. A., Elwood, K. J., and Oliver, S. (2018). “Deformation capacity of reinforced concrete columns with smooth reinforcement.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1–24.
Opabola, E. A. and Elwood, K. J. (2018). “Comparative study on acceptance criteria for non-ductile reinforced concrete columns.” Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 51(4).
Safronov V.S. and Opabola E.A (2015). “Probabilistic assessment of load-bearing capacity of RC bridges” Structural Mechanics and Design, 2(4) 57-67 (in Russian)
Opabola E.A. and Safronov V.S. (2015). “Model validation and updating using data from proof load testing of an existing RC bridge” Scientific herald, No 9, 203-210 (in Russian)
Opabola E.A. and Safronov V.S. (2015). “Application of probabilistic assessment in the strengthening of reinforced concrete slab deck bridges” Scientific herald, No 9, 196-202 (in Russian)
Conference Papers
​Opabola, E. A., Galasso, C., Rossetto, T., Nurdin, S., Idris, Y., Aljawhari, K., Rusydy, I (2022) “Fostering community resilience through school-based hubs” Proceedings from the 2022 National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City.
Abdullah S., Opabola E.A, Elwood, K.J., Wallace, J (2022) “Limit states for post-earthquake assessment and recovery analysis of ductile concrete wall buildings” Proceedings from the 2022 National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City.
Opabola, E. A. and Elwood, K. J.,(2020). “Experimental testing and development of seismic assessment procedures for reinforced concrete components with single crack plastic hinge behavior” Proceedings from the 2020 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
Opabola, E. A. and Elwood, K. J.,(2020). “Accounting for the influence of bidirectional loading on deformation capacity of reinforced concrete columns” Proceedings from the 2020 New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering Conference.
Opabola, E. A. and Elwood, K. J.,(2019). “Influence of multidirectional demands on seismic response of reinforced concrete structures” Proceedings from the 2019 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Auckland. April 2019
Opabola, E. A. and Elwood, K. J.,(2019). “Modeling collapse uncertainty in reinforced concrete structures” Proceedings from the 2019 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Auckland. April 2019
Opabola, E. A. and Elwood, K. J.,(2019). “Influence of failure mode uncertainty on the behavior of concrete columns” Proceedings from the 2019 Candian Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Quebec. June 2019
Opabola E.A., Best T., Elwood, K.J., Synge A.J. and Hogan L.S. (2018). “Deformation capacity of reinforced concrete beams with single crack” Proceedings from the 2018 New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering Conference. Auckland. April 2018.
Opabola E.A., Safronov V.S., (2015) “Condition assessment of an existing reinforced concrete bridge” Proceedings from the 68th Annual Scientific Conference, Voronezh, June 2015
Opabola E.A., Safronov V.S., (2014) “Past, present, and future of probabilistic analysis: Implementation of structural reliability procedures in professional practice” Proceedings from the 67th Annual Scientific Conference, Voronezh, May 2014